Selection of Service Provider for Drop Back of Postnatal Women from Government Health Facility to Home, High risk Pregnant woman- Home to Government Health Facility and Severe anemic Pregnant women to the nearest First Referral Unit /Area hospital /District hospital and teaching hospital for blood transfusion and drop back home, Transportation of Antenatal women from mapped points to the concerned Mandal PHC and drop back across Andhra Pradesh(T.No.7.5/APMSIDC/2024-25, Dt.04.03.2025)(Last Date:01.04.2025) Procurement and supply of Physiotherapy Equipment across Andhra Pradesh(T.No.5.2F/APMSIDC/2024-25, Dt.22.01.2025)(Last Date:28.03.2025) Appointment of Concurrent Auditor for State Health Society (SHS) and District Health Society (DHS) for Audit of all programmes under NHM including flexible pools of NRHM-RCH,HSS, NUHM, NDCP, NCD, ECRP - II & PM-ABHIM (T.No.7.1A/APMSIDC/2024-25, Dt.04.03.2025)(Last Date:21.03.2025) Procurement and supply of Balance Equipment to various Govt. Hospitals in A.P with a period of two years rate contract (T.No.5.2C/APMSIDC/2024-25, Dt.22.01.2025)(Last Date:25.03.2025) Procurement and supply of Balance DEIC Equipment to 34 DEIC Centers in A.P with a period of two years rate contract (T.No.5.2D/APMSIDC/2024-25, Dt.22.01.2025)(Last Date:18.03.2025) Procurement and supply of IT Equipment to 26 districts in A.P with a period of two years rate contract (T.No.5.2E/APMSIDC/2024-25, Dt.22.01.2025)(Last Date:21.03.2025) Procurement and supply of Equipment to 1145 PHCs in A.P with a period of two years rate contract (T.No.5.2B/APMSIDC/2024-25, Dt.22.01.2025)(Last Date:17.03.2025) Procurement and supply of balance Pathology Equipment in A.P with a period of two years rate contract (T.No.5.4B/APMSIDC/2024-25, Dt.22.01.2025)(Last Date:21.03.2025) Procurement and supply of balance Equipment to Palasa in A.P with a period of two years rate contract (T.No.5.4A/APMSIDC/2024-25, Dt.22.01.2025)(Last Date:21.03.2025) Procurement and supply of Equipment to various Govt. Hospitals for upgradation of PG Seats in A.P with a period of two years rate contract (T.No.5.9A/APMSIDC/2024-25, Dt.22.01.2025)(Last Date:18.03.2025) T.No.5.12/APMSIDC/2024-25, DT.22.01.2025 (Operation and Mainetenance of Feeder Ambulances for Conventional Ambulances in Tribal Areas under PPP Mode) (Last Dt:18.03.2025) TENDER TO BE INVITED ITEMS
Preliminary Technical Evaluation Report for T.No.5.2A/APMSIDC/2024-25, Dt.22.01.2025 (Procurement and supply of COPD Equipment)
Demo Report for T.No.6.8D/APMSIDC/2023-24, Dt.19.09.2024 (Procurement and supply of IT related items)